File Formats
Our primary preferred file type is a PDF. We will accept an AI file with fonts outlined and images imbedded. We will not take JPG, PSD or Word files.
Our primary preferred file type is a PDF. We will accept an AI file with fonts outlined and images imbedded. We will not take JPG, PSD or Word files.
For best results, all files should be designed and submitted in CMYK mode (not RGB). If files are submitted in RGB there can be significant color shifts which we are not responsible for.
For best results, all files should be designed and submitted in CMYK mode (not RGB). If files are submitted in RGB there can be significant color shifts which we are not responsible for.
All fonts should be outlined. Please do not send live fonts with your files.
All fonts should be outlined. Please do not send live fonts with your files.
Bleeds should be included (1/16" or 0.063"on all sides for roll labels and 1/8" or 0.125" for sheet and kiss-cut labels) where appropriate. A bleed is where the background design or color carries beyond the edge of the label. A bleed is critical to allow for minor shifts during the cutting process.
Bleeds should be included (1/16" or 0.063"on all sides for roll labels and 1/8" or 0.125" for sheet and kiss-cut labels) where appropriate. A bleed is where the background design or color carries beyond the edge of the label. A bleed is critical to allow for minor shifts during the cutting process.
Die Line
The die line (where we are going to cut your label out) needs to be on a separate layer in your PDF file. Please make the die line 1 point thick and set to Pantone 185.
The die line (where we are going to cut your label out) needs to be on a separate layer in your PDF file. Please make the die line 1 point thick and set to Pantone 185.
Clear Space
Clear space of at least 1/16" should be allowed inside the finished size – no significant elements (type, images etc) should be in this space, except for background colors/patterns which should be extended to provide the "bleed”.
Clear space of at least 1/16" should be allowed inside the finished size – no significant elements (type, images etc) should be in this space, except for background colors/patterns which should be extended to provide the "bleed”.
For best results, files should be created at 300 DPI resolution. Note - resolutions higher than 300 DPI do not produce better printed results, but lower resolutions can be print poorly.
For best results, files should be created at 300 DPI resolution. Note - resolutions higher than 300 DPI do not produce better printed results, but lower resolutions can be print poorly.
Embedded Images
Please make sure all placed graphics and images are embedded and not included as a linked image. Embedded images should also be sized at 300 DPI - anything higher will have no effect on the finished print and should be avoided to keep files to a manageable size.
Please make sure all placed graphics and images are embedded and not included as a linked image. Embedded images should also be sized at 300 DPI - anything higher will have no effect on the finished print and should be avoided to keep files to a manageable size.
Please check all artwork for spelling or typing mistakes – we do NOT proofread artwork.
Please check all artwork for spelling or typing mistakes – we do NOT proofread artwork.